[Regularly Updated] Looking for the best del.icio.us tools, mashups, hacks and services on the web. Del.icio.us is a popular social bookmarks manager that lets you create and share your personal collection of links and categorize them with keyword tags. You can start by viewing the most popular bookmarks. Get started quickly by this Beginner’s Guide and learn about more quick ways of posting your bookmarks.
Note: Some of the unlinked tools are possibly discontinued and are retained for archival purposes.
Official delicious tools
Tagometer Badge – easily display both tags and number of saves on your site
- Delicious API – create your own del.icio.us tools.
- Delicious Blog – posts official updates about the service.
- Network Badges – allow you to display details about your del.icio.us network as part of your website.
- Del.icio.us Firefox Extension – Integrates del.icio.us into Firefox.
- Play Tagger – easily play mp3 files directly on your website or blog by simply including a tiny javascript.
- Buttons for Internet Explorer – Integrate del.icio.us right into Internet Explorer.
- “Save This Page” buttons – provide your site visitors an easy way to save it to del.icio.us.
- Tagrolls – display your del.icio.us tags as part of your website.
- Linkrolls – display your latest del.icio.us bookmarks on your website.
- Json Feeds – load a javascript object that contains your latest bookmarks, by including this script.
- Del.icio.us Url – Enter a url to see its history on del.icio.us.
Best Third Party delicious tools, Mashups, Hacks
- Favthumbs – browse your bookmarks visually.
- Del.icio.us Tag Cleaner – a tool for removing unnecessary tags from your del.icio.us bookmarks.
- delicious post checker – Tool for verifying and deleting bookmarks in del.icio.us
- DeliciousSafari – Use and create del.icio.us bookmarks from the Safari web browser.
- KDelicious – adds several options to the Konqueror (right-click) Action menu, allowing to add your del.icio.us posts to Konqueror’s bookmarks.
- Fastest Ways to Post – Powerful bookmarklets based on the del.icio.us API
- Fresh Del.icio.us – A client-side application to keep clean (check broken urls) of your del.icio.us account bookmarks.
- Feedburner Feedflare – reflects the number of saves and the top three tags for each item in your post in a feedburner feed.
- del.icio.us cached++ – uses the MagpieRSS (built-in with WP) to fetch and cache bookmarks
- Scripted Re-Mark- Edits all your bookmarks in one hit (“batch mode”). It makes it easy to re-tag bookmarks en masse, make wholesale changes to URLs or update descriptions in bulk.
- cloud.lic.io.us – A Mac OS X dashboard widget that displays a cloud of your delicious tags.
- Delicer – del.icio.us client tool to manage your tags and posts effectively and quickly navigate through your bookmarks.
- Ridiculous – a simple wrapper for del.icio.us API writing in Ruby.
- DeliciousTray – application sits in the Windows system tray and gives quick access to all links and tags posted to your Del.icio.us.
- Mischievous – Browser plugin for Internet Explorer that uses del.icio.us to manage your queue of drag and drop links.
- Epilicious – is an extension for the Gnome web browser Epiphany that lets you synchronise your local bookmarks with the bookmarks in a Delicious account.
- Find Similar Sites – a mashup of del.icio.us and easyutil.com to find relevant web sites based on people’s tags/bookmarks on del.icio.us.
- Pukka – minimalist posting client to easily post to one or more del.icio.us accounts.
- Autoblogger – reads recent del.icio.us bookmarks marked with a specified tag and creates a link to them with the page title, as well as quote a random (filtered, given simple heuristics) excerpt of the text.
- DoubleUp – Let your visitors browse your del.icio.us bookmarks in a neat way.
- New Search Tools for Del.icio.us – offers multiple ways to search tags and bookmarks of yours and other users.
- post.icio.us – new tools for quicker posts in del.icio.us. Offers several quick ways to add, delete posts and rename tags. Also useful is the experimental pop up bookmarklet.
- Expialidocio.us – uses the OpenLaszlo platform and the del.icio.us API to display posting histograms and time-specific tag clouds.
- Del.icio.us Opera Buttons – Opera allows the users to create custom buttons. Enter your del.icio.us username and then you can click on the buttons or drag them into your main bar.
- From Del.icio.us to WordPress – How to automatically post daily links.
- Safarilicious – exports safari bookmarks to del.icio.us automatically.
- Bookmark this! WordPress Plugin – adds a “Bookmark this page on del.icio.us” link to your posts or sidebar.
- Greasemonkey Del.icio.us Director – every time you visit your own del.icio.us page, the Director should auto-load.
- ar.icio.us – is a PHP script that allow different sorting methods for your del.icio.us RSS feeds.
- browse.delicious – is visual browser that let users explore and browse through a sample data-set of del.icio.us
- del.icio.us surf – lets you ‘channelsurf’ del.icio.us tags/users. A random page from the popular page for that tag is loaded into the frame and a link to post the page to del.icio.us is given.
- del.icio.us pioneers – Who keeps posting the most popular links?
- Use del.icio.us for categories in blogger – 3 ways from lo-tech & least integrated to hi-tech & most integrated
- Familiar Taste – is a Greasemonkey extension for the Firefox web browser that consults your set of del.icio.us bookmarks to see if you have the current page marked.
- Delicious Soup – A tool that reveals your del.icio.us activities.
- Revealicious – is a set of graphic visualisations for your del.icio.us account that allow you to browse, search and select tags, as well as viewing posts matching them.
- Lazy Sheep Bookmarklet – auto-tags and auto-describes your bookmarks.
- Vox Delicii – view a “heat mapped” visualization of the current week’s popular content on Del.icio.us.
- Del.icio.us filtered – Seeing a link once should be enough.
- del.icio.us direc.tor – is a prototype for an alternative web-based rich UI for del.icio.us. Delivers a responsive interface for managing user accounts with a large number of records.
- Gataga – search for bookmarks in popular social bookmarking services like Del.icio.us, Furl etc.
- konqil.icio.us – Konqueror service menu for del.icio.us
- Cloudalicious – graph any del.icio.us URL Tag Cloud’s progression over time.
- Grafolicious – A webmaster tool to see the evolution of a del.icio.us bookmark graphically.
- Backing up Del.icio.us to Gmail – Simple tutorial based on a script from Bill Mill.
- del.icio.us backup – This ruby script dumps all your del.icio.us bookmarks into a sqlite database.
- Styling del.icio.us – user skin for Firefox (Greasemonkey) and Safari.
- Delicious.NET – This version includes a core dll that is a wrapper around del.icio.us RSS feeds, and most of the del.icio.us user api.
- Outfoxed – add del.icio.us users (or any other RSS 1.0 sources) to your list of informers.
- Technorati and del.icio.us Tags for Blogger – GreaseMonkey script to make it easier to add Technorati Tags to your blog post when editing with Blogger.
- Rubilicious – Delicious bindings for Ruby.
- descriptious – Adds descriptions to del.icio.us/popular and Populicious feeds
- del.icio.us Apple Script – lets you post to del.icio.us from NetNewsWire – from the browser pane, not the subscriptions.
- Audiolicious – is a Windows program that lets you turn any RSS feed into a podcast. It uses text-to-speech to convert the feed’s webpages into MP3 files.
- Copy Del.icio.us Bookmarks to Furl – Import your del.icio.us bookmarks to Furl.
- Del.icio.us Auto-Complete – a Greasemonkey extension that adds tag auto-complete capabilities to the traditional del.icio.us posting areas increasing your posting speed.
- Trendalicious – is a near real-time view of website popularity trends as reflected by the del.icio.us social bookmarking service.
- Delicious Linkbacks – Add the bookmarklet to your browser, then you can get a look at what del.icio.us users are saying about (or at least how they are tagging) nearly any web page with one click.
- MySQLicious – is a tool for mirroring del.icio.us bookmarks into a MySQL database.
- del.icio.us loader – loads your Firefox bookmarks directly into your del.icio.us account.
- introsp.icio.us – The Ruby script analyzes your del.icio.us links to generate a list of your favourite interests.
- Delibar – it will be store all your bookmarks in the system bar so you can easily access at it by select the tag and the link.
- WordPre.cio.us – imports del.icio.us bookmarks into your WordPress blog.
- HuntAndGather – is a firefox extension meant to provide for some nice functionality. It opens tabs corresponding to the latest URLs stored on del.icio.us given the desired tag with several search functions.
- delicious-java – is a Java API for interacting with the del.icio.us social bookmarks service.
- Automatic filing with del.icio.us – file the current web page in the read_later category in one click.
- del.icio.us tag search – look up del.icio.us links that are tagged with one or more subjects.
- extispicious – generates randomly juxtaposed tags, allowing you to draw your own meanings and revelations from the overlapping entrails.
- taga.licio.us – is tag filter for del.icio.us. It produces a page with links from selected tags, allows to integrate del.icio.us links for one or more tags into an existing page, limited to a specified “freshness”, and comes with hundreds of options.
- delicious firefox plugin – integrates del.icio.us with Firefox.
- del.icio.us + Gmail – A script which runs once a day, crawls each link and sends an email to a gmail account with the ‘From’ field being the page url, the ‘Subject’ being the tags, and the body being a copy of the page.
- del.icio.us Tag Stemmer – Uses Porter stemming to show where you’ve made different del.icio.us tags with the same English word stem. You can use it to help clean up your personal fauxonomy.
- delicious2safari – imports your del.icio.us bookmarks into Safari.
- cocoalicious – A cocoa del.icio.us client for Mac OS X.
- Sorting del.icio.us/popular – a bookmarklet that will sort del.icio.us/popular not just by total number of posts, but by the ratio of recent to total posts.
- Mapping del.icio.us with Anthracite and OmniGraffle – a tutorial for creating visual exploration of del.icio.us tags, but not inclined to write custom Perl code to do so.
- Extended del.icio.us bookmarklets – to extend del.icio.us functionality.
- Delicious Link Checker is a perl script which will retrieve all of the users links and check them, reporting if they are still accessible, or the error code (and slightly more helpful message) if not.
- foaflicious – is an application for generating a FOAF file from your del.icio.us inbox.
- Backup Del.icio.us with Excel – helps to backup your bookmarks in Excel 2003.
- Delicious Mind Map Maker – this program will make a Clustered Mind Map out of your delicious entries and add the map to the list.
- Oishii – is kind of a del.icio.us mini-zeitgeist. It polls the del.icio.us front page every 5 minutes, and returns all sites bookmarked by at least 30 people.
- BookmarksToDelicious – is a standalone Python client for posting bookmarks from a file to the delicious
- Bunnyhug Updater del.icio.us – an application that lets you download all of your del.icio.us bookmarks and save them on your local machine.
- Related del.icio.us Links in Your Sidebar – using RSS, PHP and Magpie.
- Integrating Bloglines and del.icio.us – to easily post things you read in Bloglines to delicious
- Gnomolicious is an GNOME applet that help you post links on the del.icio.us site simply by drag and dropping them.
- Services Delicious is a client for the REST-based web service of del.icio.us. It allows you to select, add and delete your bookmarks from any PHP script. You do not need to worry about the XML that is sent or how to build the REST urls.
- Graph del.icio.us subscriptions network – browse the network of del.icio.us users as defined by their inbox subscription lists.
- Graph del.icio.us related tags – graphically browse related del.icio.us tags.
Post a comment if you know of a absolutely delicious tool to be listed here.