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Blogonomics Blog Cruise: Business Blogging Conference on Sea

One by One Media is organizing a premier business blogging conference on a ship to discuss the impact of business blogs on communications, marketing, PR and advertising while cruising the Caribbean!

Blogonomics Blog Cruise

Ship cruiseWelcome to the Blogonomics Blog Cruise 2006 to be held on October 5-9, 2006. A combination of ocean view cabins and inside cabins will be available on Royal Caribbean’s Enchantment of the Seas. One By One Media has selected Cruises Inc. to handle all booking arrangements for this event. Cruises Inc. is an industry leader in cruise sales and customer support and are eager to book you on this fabulous sea cruise on Royal Caribbean’s Enchantment of the Seas. One by One Media has blocked a limited number of cabins for this event. Cabins will be booked on a first-come, first-served basis. You can register online now.

You can also participate in the Blogonomics Affiliate Program and earn extra money as they will pay you $50 for every registrant. Although the fineprint says $50 affiliate payment is only valid for referring conference attendees and excludes guest registrations and additional cabins booked using the supplied Affiliate Code.

So discuss blogging tips and become a problogger in the blogosphere, all while sailing across the Caribbean cruise!

Update: – The blog cruise is cancelled as they had some sponsorship issues, and the cruise could not be funded adequately.