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Create Expandable Post Summaries in WordPress

A frequent question I was asked by my readers was how I created Expandable post summaries in Blogger. It basically means a small introductory part of the post on the main index page of the blog, followed by “Read more” which leads to the main full post page.

WordPress has a “more” tag, which lets you easily show only a limited part of the post on the index page followed by a more… link which leads to the full post. But what if you wanted this process done automatically in all posts on the main index page, categories and archives?

I found this cool combination of WordPress plugins.

  • Evermore –  Automatically display a short preview of your posts on the home page and other multiple-post pages, along with a link to the full post.
  • Less –  Change the (more…) link so it jumps to the full post, not just the part after the link.

And you have a unique combination of shortened posts. If you want a more powerful plugin try Post Teaser which can configure the number of words to include, and add an estimated reading time and a word and image count.