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Top 10 Reasons Why You Need a Technorati Account

When you post a new article on your blog, when you link to some other blog or some blog links back to you – Technorati is watching and indexing all information about your blog. Technorati does all this automatically, so how can you benefit from signing in for a technorati account. There is much more stuff offered to Technorati members that you need…

1. Claim Your Blog
Claiming you blog entitles you to add and modify your blog listing in Technorati. This is the first step and you need to confirm ownership of your blog. You need to put a little bit of code on your site, ping Technorati and it will verify that it is indeed your blog. And you get your own blog page (our blog)

2. Edit Blog Description
Once you claim your blog, you can configure your blog settings. Set the description to whatever you like. Fill in your target keywords. Tell them what language your blog is about.

3. Tweak Your Profile
All article listings in Technorati have a link to the author of the blog. This link leads to your technorati profile. This displays all your blogs, their tags and lists the top tags you blog about. Create a meaningful profile to show you are a problogger.

4. Add a Photo
Those with a technorati account can add a nice attractive photo of anything they want. In a long list of results for any search term or tag, articles with photos gain prominence, attract the reader and have a higher chance of getting clicked and drive free traffic to your site.

5. Add the Right Tags
How do you find blogs that frequently write about the subjects you care about? Add your tags and get found on the Technorati Blog Finder page. Become a member to add and modify tags. Claiming a blog lets you enable listing your blog in Technorati’s Blog Finder. Choose the right keywords to drive traffic from Technorati. This is the way to get listed in Blogs about Technology.

6. Keep a Watchlist
Members can maintain a watchlist and keep track of your favorite searches. Add some terms or a web page URL to your Watchlist and never miss a single article about your keywords. Get breaking news in the blogosphere as it happens.

7. Track Favourite Blogs
Track the latest posts from your favorite blogs all in one nice interface. You can easily add blogs by entering URLs, or clicking the star in any search result. A nice alternative to your usual RSS feed newsreader. Add us to Technorati Favorites. Try it, you can always remove it.

8. Display All Your Blogs
The profile page gives you an opportunity to display all the blogs you have claimed. Claim all your blogs and help readers find and subscribe to all your blogs. Let them know your multiblogging talents.

9. Put Technorati on your site
Members can put a nice script with a technorati search, their photo, links to technorati profile and a “Blogs that link here link” that shows how many blogs are linking to your site. You can also add the Technorati Favorites widget that shows the last three posts from your favorite blogs, and a handy search box to search your favorite blogs.

10. Blogs by Country
For example, how do you get your blog added to Blogs about Canada. Add the tag Canada in your tag choices and get listed in the Canada blogs. Only members may add a country tag and get listed like this.

I hope you found these reasons beneficial enough to signup a new technorati account now. Learn about better technorati indexing and try these 10 Technorati Hacks to get more from Technorati.