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Chitika Premium Ads Promise Highest eCPM

Chitika has released new Chitika Premium advertising units that are designed be your highest performing ad unit (with highest eCPM) ever. If your site gets lots of US traffic, then you can optimize these interactive advertisements to your site and earn money from Chitika easily.

Chitika Premium ad units

So how does it work? Chitika Premium ads will only show to U.S. traffic, and since they are behaviorally targeted they will only display to some U.S. users. When your Premium ad unit does display for a visitor it will show them advertisements they are interested in. If there are no ads to display, the unit collapses away. Great.

Chitika Premium Ads

Chitika Premium ad units are also available is various sizes to suit your site design – 468×180, 468×60, 468×90, 728×90, 300×250, 120×600 and 160×600. You can target using keywords of your choice and track earning using channels. However, you cannot change the fall back categories.

I placed one ad unit below the single posts to try them out. But I do not see these ads since they are targeted to US visitors only, maybe you can. This is great since this geotargeting prevents displaying non paying or low paying CPM alternative ads and saves my valuable ad space, while reducing clutter. I hope they pay well…per click!