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10 Years of Dmoz ODP: Humans Still Do it Better

  • SEO

DMOZ, the Open Directory Project turned 10 years old on June 5, 2008 and continues to grow at a rapid pace, all due to the tireless efforts of an amazing community of dedicated volunteer editors. Dmoz ODP is still the most comprehensive human edited directory of the Web.

Dmoz is celebrating the event with praise for its editors

Over the years, DMOZ has been often duplicated but never replicated. Many initiatives have co-opted its model, while others have learned the lessons of DMOZ and built community based projects that ushered in the much ballyhooed social media revolution. Projects such as Wikipedia have traced their origins and influence to DMOZ. Ten years ago, many people were skeptical that a community managed project could survive and become relevant. Ten years later, the DMOZ editors have proved that community managed projects weren’t just a pipe dream, but the future of the Web.

Dmoz or the Open Directory Project is a great web directory to get your site listed and sources the Google directory and a large number of sites using ODP data. You can also become an ODP editor and be part of the amazing ODP community.

Though critics have often questioned the credibility of editors, you can always report corrupt editors and swift action is ensured against them. SEO experts and webmasters have invented the NOODP tag to prevent search engines from using the DMOZ snippets. There exist other human edited directories like Best of The Web, Joeant, etc. but Dmoz continues to rule the niche.

DMOZ has evolved and survived the rapid revolution of the internet in the last decade. Happy Birthday DMOZ! Humans Still Do it Better.