Everyone uses Social Networks to connect to friends, contacts and business associates. So which are the most popular social networks around the world? Royal Pingdom tested the 12 top social networks to answer this interesting question.
Their study has revealed some interesting observations like Facebook is most popular in Turkey and Canada, Friendster and Imeem are most popular in the Philippines, Twitter is most popular in Japan, Orkut is more popular in Iran than it is in the United States and LinkedIn is most popular in India!
They say these results have been compiled using a new tool called Google Insights for Search, which analyzes a portion of worldwide Google web searches from all Google domains to compute how many searches have been done for the terms you’ve entered, relative to the total number of searches done on Google over time and then shows you a graph with the results.
LinkedIn is an online network of more than 25 million experienced professionals from around the world, representing 150 industries and your network consists of your connections, your connections-connections, and the people they know, linking you to thousands of qualified professionals. It is definitely a great tool to showcase your professional presence online.
Here are the Google Insight for Search results for Linkedin. Why is LinkedIn so popular in India?