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How to Share Articles in Google Reader on Twitter

Can you share your best articles from Google reader on Twitter? If you love connecting and sharing with friends and want to share all your favorite blog posts and other articles with your friends on Twitter, here is a cool trick for you.

I hope that Google Reader is your default feedreader. Open your shared items page from the left navigation section.

google reader shared

Now focus on the URL of this page in the address bar. Look for your Google profile ID here (skip the %2F). Google Profile ID is the unique number corresponding to you. Note down this number.

google reader url shared

Now, log in to and enter your Twitter account details. In the RSS section, Enter the URL:

Fill in the other relevant fields.
Twitter Shared

And, you are done!

Now, whatever you share in Google Reader will be automatically posted in your Twitter Updates, and hence, your friends can follow this stuff. I will suggest you use Note in Reader Bookmarklet, which will make sharing webpages easier. Cheers :)

Guest author ArpitNext is a full-time devotee of Technology and Web Apps and writes his blog at If you have some tips to share, write a guest article on QOT.