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Try Bing: New Microsoft Search Decision Engine

  • Tips

Bing is a new Microsoft search engine all ready to challenge Google in the lucrative search engine space. Apparently Bing has been quietly launched a few days earlier from the announced launch and is in preview and beta mode in various countries.

Microsoft Bing promises a new approach to user experience and provides intuitive tools to help customers make better decisions like making a purchase decision, planning a trip, researching a health condition or finding a local business. Microsoft is calling Bing a Decision Engine, helping people make quick decisions. Take a tour.


This is how Bing front page looks like in India. To test all the Bing features, it is a good idea to switch from the local country version to the “United States – English” version.

Bing search results are as neat and accurate as Google. Here is the best feature for me – If you switch to the video channel and search for videos, the most amazing thing happens when you hover over the videos thumbnails – the videos autoplay! The videos loads instantly and with good video and sound quality, and you can sort them by length, size and resolutions. Test some videos here.

This video shows a quick preview of what Bing can do.

I am getting a lot of traffic from Bing… is the Google killer finally here?