Do you know which is the Most Reliable Hosting Company? I have been following the Netcraft monthly notifications which showcase the most reliable web hosting services and it provides some interesting facts.
This month’s article reveals that DataPipe and Server Intellect had the most reliable hosting company sites in August 2009., New York Internet, Virtual Internet and Hosting 4 Less had the most reliable hosting company sites in July 2009. It is surprising but many of the expected top web hosts are not in this list.
How do they measure the hosting reliability? Actually Netcraft measures the response times of fifty leading hosting providers’ sites at 15 minute intervals from separate points around the internet, and averages are calculated over the immediately preceding 24 hour period.
So why are these the best hosting sites? Netcraft explains
From a customer’s point of view, the percentage of failed requests is more pertinent than outages on hosting companies’ own sites, as this gives a pointer to reliability of routing, and this is why we choose to rank our table by fewest failed requests, rather than shortest periods of outage.
I checked their table of Hosting Providers sites ordered by failures over the last 1 day and you will find many new hosting companies to look out for. We are on Knownhost VPS hosting and it has served as a very reliable hosting service for us.