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6 Tips for Better SEO Content Writing

Why SEO content writing? There is a simple truth about web content that although many would acknowledge, even more seem to ignore. It is this: however great your content is, however helpful it may be to potential readers, if no one can find your site it might as well have been written on a cigarette packet and left in your bedside drawer.

writingSearch engine optimization (SEO) is the key that unlocks the door to your site and will significantly increase visitor numbers and general traffic. So however great your website content is, without content marketing you might as well be using sign language in the dark.

Improve SEO Content Writing

So how do you improve your SEO content writing? The good news is there are a number of key points that if you use, will greatly improve the effectiveness of your site.

1. Headings

The first is, well, headings. Search engines love them and so do readers. They are easy on the eye and help browsers “lock” onto your site and commit to reading its content. Just make sure they are well chosen. If you are writing an article on Jane Austen’s novels, there’s no pint using a heading that says “Introduction”, it’s simply far too vague. Try “Jane Austen’s Early Work” and you’ll be much more likely to let the search engines know exactly what is contained within the content.

2. Variations

This is an often-overlooked tool, but when you think of it, it makes perfect sense. Imagine you’re searching for an online article on Frank Sinatra. Of course, you could search using the singer’s name, but if an article had headings that were variations, your chances of capturing the searchers eyes would greatly increase. So for this example, you may have headings such as Frank Sinatra: Ol’ Blue Eyes or Frank Sinatra: Chairman of the Board.

3. Think Like a Web Browser

What would you type in a search engine in to look for an article on Snoopy? Sure, you’d probably start with the beagle’s name, but others might search under “Peanuts” or “Schulz” or “Charlie Brown’s dog” or even “the Red Barron.” Using these terms in your article’s content will create many more hits and greatly increase traffic.

4. Title Tag

This is vital. Make sure you use the exact words in your title tag. This is a tried and tested way to optimize your content and is one of the best ways of moving your site up the rankings.

5. Be Bold

Or to be more precise, use bold keywords. These can go anywhere, but are best suited at the top of a section in your content. They help draw the reader’s eyes to important points and may be the difference between staying and moving on.

6. Be Natural

The last point is one that is frequently overlooked, even by those with SEO strong sites. Following the above rules is important, but remember to keep the text natural and flowing. It needs to read like a human and not a robot have written it. After all, if a reader can’t make sense of your site, they won’t come back. Incorporate the above in a natural manner and you’ll be well on your way to creating a site that is as easy to find as it is enjoyable to read.

Steve Lazuka is the owner of, a SEO content writing company based in Ohio. His knowledge of content writing and experience has proven successful for both clients and his own site. He also writes on his company blog and provides useful information for content marketers. You can also write guest posts and share your SEO tips.