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5 Tips to Be a Killer Blogger

Every person has the talent to be a killer blogger. But unfortunately many don’t try hard enough while other quit half way. The important thing is that you stay focused on your aim to be a successful blogger. I have written five tips that can really use. If you fulfill these points then you can be sure that you will be a killer blogger soon!

1. Display Credibility

The most basic thing to be a killer blogger is that you need to earn credibility in your niche. It basically includes, what are your achievements? Are you someone who has become really successful in your field? Suppose if you have a make money online niche, then how much you earn money online. You will have to tell your readers what were the ways that you employed to make money online.

2. Share All Your Experiences

A common trait of all killer bloggers is that they share everything to their readers, all their success and even their failures, the techniques which they employed and failed badly, or some thing that you should definitely avoid while blogging. It is these posts that really get your blog readers.

3. Provide Information that No One Else has

This point is more of common sense but, it is something all newbie bloggers fall prey to. If you are simply giving away the same stuff in a reused and recycled manner – your blog will become just another blog. Your aim should be to make a brand out of your blog name and create loyal readers who can refer your blog to others.

4. Comment on other blogs

Yes, sure it seems cool to have hundreds of bloggers coming over and commenting at your blog without you not even visited their blog ever. But the task seems difficult unless by chance you are Darren Rowse, Guy Kawasaki or someone of that level. Since, you are reading this – the chance seems a long shot.

5. Be a Fun Person

It is of utmost importance that you are a fun person who knows how to use intelligent humor in all his posts. It is especially important when you may be explaining something really technical. Also a good sense of humor can take you really ahead in creating a rapport with your readers. If all your posts and serious and dry then it is a lot like reading a textbook on physics or chemistry. A fun person is always liked more as a blogger.

Hope you liked all the five tips that mentioned. Are you fulfilling all of these criteria’s while blogging?

Guest author Anil Gupta writes about making money, blogging, SEO and affiliate marketing on his Scope for Money blog.