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6 Tips to Become a Really Successful Freelance Copywriter

Want to become a really successful Freelance Copywriter? If you want to bump your freelance copywriting career into high gear, here are a few tips.

Many people dream of becoming freelance writers of some sort, whether they long to be freelance copywriters, journalists, bloggers, or authors. But while the wannabes only dream about it, those who are committed to following their dreams find ways to make them a reality.

If you’re serious about becoming a freelance writer, or you’re already working as a freelance writer and you want to be more successful, you need to read the following article and take advantage of the tips that are offered here.

1. Write well

This one may seem obvious, but it’s basic to your successful freelance copywriting career: learn to write well. Make sure your prose is clear, easy to understand, and does the job that you’ve been paid to do.

Don’t worry about impressing people with your artful handling of written language or your extensive vocabulary. Clarity and conciseness are more valuable for the purposes of copywriting. So, unless you’re being paid by the word, don’t be verbose!

2. Write about worthwhile topics

Write about things that are interesting! Again, this may seem like obvious advice, but you’d be surprised at how many freelance writers lose track of this concept. Give people information that they actually want. Be sure to present it in a manner that will have the broadest possible appeal.

There are certain topics that people will return to again and such as tips for finding a better job, ways to get a home for the best possible price, techniques for saving money in your day-to-day life. Think about the things you’re interested in learning about. Chances are you’re not too different from most other people, so write about what you’re interested in and you’ll probably have a saleable idea.

3. Look ahead and plan for the future

Plan ahead so that you can jump on topics that are most popular at certain times of the year. For example, pitch an idea on the history of Santa Claus in the fall, well before the Christmas season, or in early spring, start shopping around articles with summer and Fourth of July themes.

Remember that some topics are perennials; people are interested in them year after year. So, keep files of Halloween decorating ideas, or how-to topics like staging an outdoor barbecue party with a luau theme. Even though the Internet is a great resource, there’s nothing wrong with keeping clipping files that you can use for reference.

4. Write what you know

Here’s another seemingly obvious idea that many writers overlook in their desire to be trendy and jump on the latest news story or current trend. Write what you know. That’s something that everyone hears from their writing teachers in college, but it’s so true. If you have certain special knowledge, then share it. If you’re an expert at repairing cars or sewing costumes, then use that knowledge to craft articles, blogs, and how-tos.

One of the major reasons people go on the Internet is to learn new things. If you have something of value to share with others, then, by all means, take advantage of that in your writing. Your body of knowledge is one of the unique assets that you have to offer as a writer.

5. Practice good work ethics

Be businesslike in how you approach your work. You may be working at home but that doesn’t mean that you should have the TV on while you’re working. TV is only a distraction, a way of wasting time. Keep it off. It’s probably OK to have the radio or CD player on if you’re playing music, but it’s not a good idea to listen to talk radio since that may distract you from what you’re doing and make you lose focus.

And just because you’re at home, it doesn’t mean that you should be doing housework like washing the dishes or doing laundry. Stay focused on your writing tasks for the time you allot to them. You can do that other stuff later.

6. Consistency is key

Finally, be consistent in your work habits. You don’t have to write every day, but you do need to write a certain amount every week. Try to establish regular work hours when you can get the most done, say after everyone else has left the house to go to work or school, or if you live alone, at the same time every day.

Famous author Jack London only wrote two pages a day, but he wrote every day, and as a result, he was able to write dozens of novels and hundreds of short stories and articles in his all-too-brief life.

So, if you want to be a successful freelancer, follow these writing tips and think of other ways to increase your output by working, not harder, but smarter. If you can show your editors and clients that you’re fast, reliable, and can consistently produce quality work, then there’s no limit to the success you can enjoy as a freelance writer.

Vern Marker is proficient in a variety of topics including copywriting and SEO. He uses his knowledge to give expert advice on a new Q&A site You can also write guest posts and share your copyrighting ideas.