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50 Blogging Tips for Beginners

Here are some blogging tips for beginners and new bloggers. A blog is an online journal where you can share your ideas and thoughts easily. In other words, blogs are the other form of web pages where bloggers update information on a regular basis.

blogs and blogging

The word ‘blog’ was coined by Jorn Barger from two words- web and log. This term was first used in the year 1997. Blogs can be easily maintained and developed by anyone who is very serious to make money through this method. Most of the blog providers are free to use and some of the common tools used are LiveJournal, Moveable Type and Blogger.

There are more than 50 million unofficial blogs in the world. Each blog talks about different subjects. The real benefit of internet with regards to blogging is that anyone who reads a blog can give his opinion with complete freedom. Blogging is done for different reasons – one for personal interest and the other for business purpose. Blogging for personal interest can be done to share your ideas with fellow people and with your friends. This becomes an open book that can be read easily by anybody who comes across it through the internet.

Blogging Tips for Beginners

  1. Blogs must be given attractive title to catch the attention of the reader.
  2. Choose a topic that you like and that you know.
  3. Every post that you write for the blog must be different.
  4. Writing for a blog must be a passion and not out of force.
  5. The main concept that you are trying to talk about must be put in the first paragraph. And the following paragraphs must have its details.
  6. Background information may be added in the last paragraph.
  7. Content that is really useful and helpful will be shared by others.
  8. Content is important as it is the king.
  9. Blog must have at least a minimum of one post everyday.
  10. Use microblogging services such as Twitter to socialise, meet new people and to share your blog posts.
  11. Target your attention on the audience and write decent content that will be liked by them.
  12. Inappropriate links must not be given.
  13. Links for your site are not got just by asking for them.
  14. Commercial resources or sites must not be linked to.
  15. You must get involved with those people who comment in your site. Because, this will create a good impression among other visitors too.
  16. Write short and break up the content with bullet points and headers.
  17. Convey the message in an informal and friendly style.
  18. Get response from your readers.
  19. It is unnecessary to reply to each of the comments.
  20. Message that you pass to readers must be described and not just told.
  21. Its better not to mention anything negative about something you dont like.
  22. Specific places, names, contact details or addresses must not be mentioned.
  23. One traffic source alone must not be relied upon.
  24. High bounce rate must not be worried about at all.
  25. Forums cannot be launched by just having very few readers in hand.
  26. Spend a lot of time on social networking sites.
  27. Comments that say ‘hi’ and that which say that they are glad to read the post may be created by spammers.
  28. Comments that say that they were in search of such a kind of content and that they have to keep up the good work may be pushed to spam queue.
  29. Comments that are totally unrelated might be a spam.
  30. Comments that praise the blog post too much get pushed to spam queue.
  31. Comments that talk about a different subject and that is not concluded properly may be considered as spam.
  32. Blog site can be made better than renaming it.
  33. Blog name can be easily coined if you have already decided about the subject matter you are going to write for.
  34. The domain name must contain short keywords and that are not completely generic. Blog name must be concise.
  35. Try to buy a domain name of your own.
  36. Choose a decent memorable name for your blog.
  37. Choose a blog name that does not resemble with the name of a competitor’s blog.
  38. Blog names that have double letters or mis-spellings must be avoided.
  39. Find your writing style and stick on to it.
  40. Plan well before going in for the content.
  41. Blog titles should gain the attention of the readers.
  42. Talk about yourself too along with the blog content.
  43. Write enthusiastically.
  44. Edit your blog title, heading, content, add an image, check for the grammatical errors to make it stand out from the rest of the blogs.
  45. Do not discuss on a topic completely. Leave few topics here and there so that the readers themselves can comment on it.
  46. Content must not be loaded with keywords.
  47. Follow some SEO techniques if you are not getting any results.
  48. Comment on other blog sites also.
  49. Too many ads on a blog is not a good idea.
  50. Interact in blogging forums.

Conclusion – Blogging is something that can be done successfully by any individual provided he has a thorough knowledge about it. With so many other online money making methods available in internet these days, blogging  has become one of the successful methods of making life easy. Hence there is no doubt at all that internet is really a boon for the society. So, keep going Internet!.

Guest author Sophie Williams writes about new consumer products released in the market, technology articles, reviews and more. She also writes on Digital Camera and Plasma TV Review UK sites. Image credits to Kristina B under CC license. You can also guestblog here and share your blogging tips.