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7 Characteristics of Highly Successful Bloggers

Of all the bloggers we have, only a few of them are highly successful. I have studied these successful bloggers with time and they all have similar characteristics. Knowing what makes someone successful will also help us work towards being successful; this post will be sharing 7 characteristics of highly successful bloggers.

1. Successful Bloggers Have Goals

One great characteristic of highly successful bloggers is that they have goals, they determine the future and the future does not determine itself for them. It is very important to have realistic goals and visualize the future because the more conscious of your future you are the more you will work towards achieving it.

Many bloggers fail to think about the future and just begin to blog like that. It is advisable to know what you want to achieve within a period of time and very soon you will begin to attain heights of success.

2. Successful Bloggers Have a Better Mindset

One thing I see to be very common with highly successful bloggers is that they have a better mindset, they have the mindset of “I can do it”, they believe in themselves.

One of the greatest enemies of success you can have is “YOU”. If you don’t believe in yourself then you can hardly be a successful blogger. It is very important to have a better mindset, a mindset that believes in you succeeding because this will enhance you to do more towards making yourself a success.

3. Successful Bloggers Are Creative

Another great thing I see about highly successful bloggers is that they are always creative. Successful bloggers always come out with great and creative Ideas that will make the difference.

When trying to be a successful blogger, it is very important to be as creative as possible because this makes it very easy for you to grow and achieve better results in a short period of time.

4. Successful Bloggers Are Unique

Another common thing about successful bloggers is that they are always unique and different, they don’t act like another person, they only act like themselves.

It is very important to be unique and different as a blogger because this helps you stand out and have your own voice and it also gives your readers reasons to be reading your blog.

5. Successful Bloggers Are Passionate

Another great characteristic of successful bloggers is that they are passionate i.e. they have strong passion for their blogs. Many of the top bloggers online now have been blogging for years and it is their passion for their blog that helped them endure till this period.

Blogging is not a day journey and the road is not that smooth, you will face a lot of discouragement and distractions and it is only a strong passion for your blog that can keep you going in the hard times.

6. Successful Bloggers Are Patient

Another great characteristic of successful bloggers is patience; they know that success does not come overnight. Many bloggers just think they will begin to make money online the first week they start their blog, blogging is a time game and you have to be very patient.

Patience is a key element in the lives of successful bloggers and anybody trying to be successful should have it.

7. Successful Bloggers Have Great Personality

One thing you will notice about successful bloggers is that they have a great personality, which is why Darren Rowse is different from John Chow.

It is very important to have a great personality on your blog because this separates you from others and it makes it easier for your readers to interact with you.  Having an about page is one way to show that you are human on your blog and it enhances the interaction between you and your readers.

Successful bloggers are always different but they all have something in common, the above are 7 great characteristics of successful bloggers.

Guest author Onibalusi Bamidele is a young blogger who is always looking for new ways to get traffic, get his free report on how to get lots of free, targeted on demand traffic at See our guest blogging guidelines to share your blogging tips.