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Grab Your Vanity Url Now

  • Tips

Rush to and grab your vanity url right now. Barely 4 days after public launch, news is breaking in that tech giant AOL is acquiring the company, and they might have something cool lined up to leverage the buy. launched in beta period a few months back and already claims to have acquired 400,000 people signed up. So why We all have multiple online profiles across Facebook, LinkedIn, Flickr, and Twitter. aims to pull all this information together to build a single page representing your on-line identity.

aboutme profiles

Its simple and is done in a few minutes. What really strikes you at first is the huge images on your profile (which can be easily uploaded from your high megapixel camera.) And they have cool analytics embedded to track your profile views.

As the rush comes with publicity, there is a high chance you might not get your favorite name url. AOL has spent millions of dollars and might do something great with it someday. Sign up now and get urls like