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5 Things About QuickOnlineTips You Never Knew!

How well do you know your favorite blog? Here are 5 things I bet you did not know about QOT…

1. Quick Online Tips That Work

Yes, that was the original name of this blog when we started it on Blogger in 2004. The really earliest readers in 2004 might remember. It was started as a hobby and meant to showcase some how-to tips and tricks, some extra long articles with lots of screenshots. But as the brand developed, “That Work” was cropped out in favor of a shorter brand name (which I think is still too long).

2. Our Short Domain Name

Have you ever used this URL (QOT.ME) instead of typing the super long domain name Well, it redirects to the main domain name. So the next time you want to actually type out our domain name in your browser or mobile device, you might find it much quicker to type [PS If you follow us on Twitter, you probably knew that already.]

3. First Most Popular Post

It was called Absolutely Del.ici.ous – This was the first collection of all delicious tools (formerly called, before yahoo! bought it) and was a superhit on and consistently topped the traffic charts for being the most shared bookmark on!

4. Top PR linked post

BoingBoing linked to it. Engadget linked to it. It got a newbie blog barely a few months old, the most high PR links from the top blogs in the industry (unfortunately we were on Blogger then). So what was it about – a mosquito electric racquet which is sold for a few hundred rupees on the streets on India. It got us higher traffic in a day, much more than we ever got.

5. Longest time highest PR page

Great Flickr Tools was the most highest PR7 page on QOT for several years. Every Flickr tool developer wanted to be listed on it (of course now it is lower) and we sometimes still continue to update the article.

We will continue to share interesting tips about our site as the year ends. Join our 25000 subscribers and subscribe by email or RSS and never miss our articles again.