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HMU Tops Facebook Status Trends 2010

What is HMU? I am sure most of us have never heard of it. HMU stands for “Hit Me Up” and is the top facebook status trend for 2010 and by the end of summer, HMU reached 80,000 mentions per day!

Facebook released the 2010 Facebook Memelogy, the  list of top trends in status updates in 2010, and found the fastest growing trend was the use of a new digital shorthand for people to ask their friends to hang out – HMU.

In early September, an interesting pattern emerged in how people use HMU. Until that point, it was spreading like wildfire, but was being used with roughly equal frequency throughout the week. In September this changed, as usage rates started going through huge swings from day to day. The reason? Before September the demographic most likely to ask their friends to “HMU” was on summer break and looking to hang out most nights. Then many of these folks headed back to school, and HMU became a weekend-oriented request.

hmu facebook

Did you hear of HMU before this post? How many times have you used HMU on Facebook?