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Hey Bloggers! Lets Thank Google

I am inviting all bloggers to thank Google this season for all the amazing tools and services which make blogging fun and profitable. Add your Thank You Google Post in the comments below.

1. Google Adsense –  This google advertising service is the main income source of millions of blogs and websites. It is the service which makes blogging a profitable venture even for new bloggers who have difficulty with traffic and CPM ads. It is by far the best contextual advertising service out there and consistently delivers high money making value. Adsense is the major income source of this blog also. And if you get big enough, they do send you Google branded USB memory cards and digital picture frames sometimes.

2. Google Adwords – this service allows all bloggers to reach the farthest end of the web with their target keywords and a few dollars. It is by far the best deal to advertise your blog to your target audiences. We use it many time to get more readers and visitors for a few cents! You can grab free Adword promo codes easily, and they too sometimes send gifts like Google mini fridges.

Google Doodle

3. Google Site Search – the best way to integrate site search into your blog. Its better and more targeted than WordPress search and powered with Adsense for Search, it is an additional source of income too. See the search box live on top right of our site.

4. Google Apps – this is the best way to power up your domain and attach branded tools to your site like your own domain email. Its free and is a must have tool to give your domain the branding it needs. Our  email address like name @ is google apps powered gmail only. Get it today to take your site to the next level.

5. Google Related Links – we were invited to use this new labs tool and we find it the fastest loading and most accurate related links tool, which made us replace related link wordpress plugins also. It has helped us deliver more pageviews due to the excellent related links they provide.

6. Google Webmaster Tools – this is the most important webmaster tool for any site owner. With deep insights into how Google sees your site and ranks it, it is a must monitor tool. Get accurate insights into what errors, links, etc are causing crawl errors and how you can improve them.

7. Google Blogger – For all those bloggers on, this is a lifeline for your blogging needs. Even we started this blog initially on blogspot and then migrated to WordPress. Blogger has gone better over the years and now boasts of the best uptime among all bllogging services.

Google thanks us and now its our turn. So join hands with us and post a “Thank you Google” post today on your blog.

Post a link to your article in the comment below so our next article can link to the nice things you said. How has Google changed your life?