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How to Display Latest Tweets in Your Email Signature

How to display tweets in your email signature? Till now we used to insert links to social sites profiles and display them in our email signatures. is a twitter tool that allows to shows the latest tweets below your email signature. With Twitfooter whenever you post new tweets your twitter status gets updated automatically in your email, even the ones already sent.

You can use TwitFooter to show your company’s latest news and to attract new followers. You can track the number of clicks per tweet also.

Twitfooter works with popular email services like Gmail, Yahoo Mail, Hotmail, Outlook, Entourage, etc.. Visit TwitFooter, click “Sign in with twitter”, allow TwitFooter to connect to your twitter using Oauth (so no fear of losing your password) and then Twitter redirects you to Twitfooter page.

setup TwitFooter

This page shows your twitter account’s footer, click “Show Latest tweet” under Setup and copy the code shown on the page and paste in the email signature option. Here TwitFooter generating an image for your latest tweet. Twitfooter currently supports Firefox and Google Chrome browsers only.

Guest author Venkat is founder and owner of, Technology blogs cover Tips and Tricks, Tech News, Web Apps, Free Apps, Troubleshooting and much more. You can follow him on Twitter at @techvenkat