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New Facebook Page Upgrade [Tour]

Today we received a Facebook alert to upgrade our QOT Facebook Page and I share with you the Facebook tour of what has changed on the page.

That was interesting and we went ahead with a Preview of the new Facebook page. Looks good.

So the latest photos have now come up on top. Did you know our Facebook fans can upload photos and videos to our facebook page and get more exposure.

All the navigation has moved from tabs to the left sidebar. I found the earlier tabs more visible to users.

This is a good idea to showcase your featured content.

Now we can use Facebook as a Page rather than as a person. This is incredible and possible the most important feature change.

Lots of new settings options. Better defined and layout is cool.

All Facebook pages will switch to the new format starting March 2011. This move is not reversible. Join the QOT facebook community and get interesting updates, tips and tricks.  Click LIKE on top of the Facebook page to join. Post a comment on how you like the new layout.