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Help Us Choose the Next QOT Logo

We ran a logo design contest on 99designs and a lot of talented logo designers submitted amazing logos. We request you to help us choose the next QOT logo.

QOT logo contest

99Designs is an excellent site to host logo design contests and we had 204 logo entries from 15 designers. We aimed for a very clean, simple and professional logo which would provide excellent branding and look good not only on websites, but also branded merchandise like cups, Tshirts, stickers etc. It cost $295 to run the contest for 7 days and got a few bonus days too! [Do you like our current logo? We got our free logo in a logo design deal for bloggers!

All logos have numbers beside them and you can post a comment with the logo number, and why you like it. You can see our top rated logos here, and vote for top logos,  or see all designs and select one you like and help us choose the next logo for QOT.

Update: See our new logo