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New Google Chrome Icon

The Google Chrome Icon is changing and new icon will come live over Google Properties over the new few weeks. And if you haven’t seen it yet, this is what it will look like…

New Google chrome icon
Why Change the Google Chrome icon? Google says here is why

Since Chrome is all about making your web experience as easy and clutter-free as possible, we refreshed the Chrome icon to better represent these sentiments. A simpler icon embodies the Chrome spirit — to make the web quicker, lighter, and easier for all…. Numerous creative reinterpretations have organically moved the icon towards simplicity and abstraction, so it felt right to make the icon structure cleaner and easier to recreate.

As Google Chrome expands the reach to Chrome OS notebooks, develop an amazing browser with useful Chrome extensions, and engage a whole new community by developing Chrome videos, they surely need a new brand image aligned with the simplicity of Google.

Do you like the new Google Chrome icon?