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World Backup Day Today

Reddit users have  declared March 31 as World BackUp Day and encourage you to check your data backups, backup your memories and financial information and check your old backup restores.

Backup Today

world backup dayWorld Backup Day  is an independent, non-profit initiative, by a small team of Redditors. Well the movement seems to have caught on as the message spreads beyond reddit, and across Twitter on #worldbackupday.  World Back Up Day has tied up with several online backup services (like SpiderOak Backup and Sync, Backblaze, CrashPlan, MiMedia) to help your back up and restore your data. There are several popular online backup services. Backups are important, especially for bloggers as it is the income source for majority of them.

Backup Your Site

Our WordPress backup was previously powered by the amazing WP Database Backup plugin, and helped to restore our site often. Now we have activated Vaultpress which backups up our WordPress files and database in real time and keeps it safe from hackers (you might decide on other WordPress backup services also).

When QOT was hacked, our automated Knownhost VPS hosting regular backups were able to restore the site to a previous snapshot in  minutes. In addition we recommend to use Dropbox to sync all files safely across all your computers and laptops.

Be sure to back up your site today. How do you back up?