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Add Facebook Send Button to Share Content

Install a new Facebook social plugin called “Send”, which allows visitors to send your content to their friends. People can send your URL in an inbox message to their Facebook friends, to the group wall of any Facebook group they are a member of, and as an email to any email address.

Facebook Send Button

Facebook send looks like this is Google Chrome browser

Facebook Send

and like this in Internet Explorer.

Facebook Send

So how does it differ from the Like buttons?

Like Buttons allows users to share content with all friends, but the Send Button lets them send a private message to just selected friends. Its more like those tell a friend or email a friend scripts, but this time powered by Facebook and more powerful. If you click on Send, you get this popup alert.

Facebook Send message

What message is sent?

The message includes a link to the URL specified in the send button, a title, image, and short description of the link. Get a more custom experience by using Open Graph meta tags.

How to install Send Button?

You can implement the send button standalone or combine it with the Like button on your site. Both can work great together or separately. Install a Facebook Send button. See it working on our site. Try it out.