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Grab Google+ Pages for Websites, Blogs, Brands, Businesses

Google+ has released Google+ Pages for brands, businesses, so rush to grab your Google+ page for your blog / website. It was a long awaited feature and now you get your very own brand finally on Google+.

google plus for businessEarlier Google+ profiles was released for real people only, with celebrities getting verified Google+ profiles too. While they earlier opened brand applications, it is now open for all. Now you can add QOT Google+ page to your circles and follow latest updates and exclusive tips on our Google+ branded page.

Though vanity urls (like Facebook) with your brand name are not yet available and the long profile number is still there, it is expected that may release it after page verification. Go ahead and create Google+ page for your business or website right now. Get a Google+ badgefor your site, which lets people add your page to their circles without leaving your site, and allows them to get updates from your site via Google+. See the differences between Google+ Pages vs. Google+ Profiles. Pages have a +1 button, are public and cannot play games.

A new feature is called Direct Connect from Google search – this will allow people on Google search to just search for [+], followed by the page you’re interested in (like +Pepsi) and they will take visitors to your to their Google+ page, and even add them to your circles if you like. That is sure to give better branding and traffic. Direct Connect works for a limited number of pages right now and is sure to increase. Join QOT on Google+