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Quick META Keywords WordPress Plugin

The Quick META Keywords WordPress Plugin will automatically add META Keywords tags to every single post on your WordPress blog. The keywords will be derived from the categories under which the article is categorized.

meta keywords

Manual Installation

1. Unpack the download-package
2. Upload folder include all files to the “/wp-content/plugins/” directory
3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
4. Check your article source code for the META keywords tags.

Why do I need this plugin?

META keywords tag between the <HEAD> tags of your blog template is essential for search engine optimization (SEO). Unfortunately, WordPress does not generate the META keywords tags for you.

How many blogs are using this?

Download stats reveal over 20000 blogs might be using this plugin.

Will it provide keywords for my homepage?

No. Since only single posts are categorized, and this plugin uses categories for keywords, it only works with single articles

How do I add keywords to my homepage?

Simply use this code

<?php if (is_home()) { ?>
<meta name="keywords" content="keyword1, keyword2" />
<?php } ?>

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36 thoughts on “Quick META Keywords WordPress Plugin”

  1. VagabondoDigitale

    Good plugIn, but you don’t have a tips for insert code
    In automatic mode ?

  2. QuickOnlineTips

    It will automatically insert the code in the header. You simply need to activate it.

  3. I think what you meant to say is that it automatically takes the categories for an entry and inserts them as keywords.

    I’m loving this! Thanks!

  4. QuickOnlineTips

    Ed – that code goes within the HEAD tags if you want to add custom tags on the homepage.

  5. What am I missing? Where do I download this plugin? The link on WordPress points here, the link on this page points back to WordPress… ?

  6. I downloaded, installed and activated! Thunderbirds are go. However, you say “check source code for META,” so I’m like where and how do I do that? What does the code look like that I’m looking for – how do I know it’s working? Thanks!

  7. QuickOnlineTips

    Sylvia – Once you have opened your site in the browser, Click View>Page Source on top of browser pane. A new page will reveal the html code of your page. Find the tags
    meta name=”keywords” content=”keyword1, keyword2″

  8. Sadly, I thought of that…I looked and looked for the code you describe, but it’s not there. My plugins page lists the plugin and it’s active. Is there a more recent version of this plugin perhaps?

  9. I’m automatically installed “All in SEO Pack” in my blog

    Can I use this plugin with All in SEO pack?


  10. Hello,

    Thank you for writing this plugin, it is great.

    My question is: The plugin gets its keywords from categories, which means that all of the posts in a given category (and it can be a lot of them as the blog grows) will have exactly the same keywords. Would it not create a keyword duplication issue with search engines?


  11. Thanks for this great plugin. I am using it. This plugin works well on my site. Ardi

  12. Where do I insert all the keyword text? In the Plugin Editor? Do I enter my text after the word content”? It looks like there is a missing “.

    echo ‘<meta name=”keywords” content=”‘;
    so it would read

    echo ‘<meta name=”keywords” content=”keyword1, keyword2, etc.”‘;

  13. QuickOnlineTips

    @Sylvia – A META Keywords tag will be present between the head tags when you view the source code of single pages.

    @Albert – All in One SEO already has this functionality.

    @Mike – The best way for SEO is to add individual keywords to every article. But that is very tedious for hundreds of articles. This plugin is a quick fix to add keywords to all articles instantly.

    @Cristi – The keywords are inserted automatically. You dont need to do anything.

  14. I like the plugin. Only issue I have is that I use tags more than categories, i.e.: one category but many tags. Is there a way round this?

  15. Hi….
    I want to use customize keywords through my sql database….
    Can you please help me out…


  16. I inserted the keywords after content=”…..
    but I don’t see the keywords in index.php.

    Look at

    “Where is the mistake?”

  17. crap it simply prints keyword1, keyword2 huh how to install it tell us y don’t u reply

    1. QuickOnlineTips

      @yasir – that is an example code if you want to add keywords to your homepage. You can replace the keyword1, keyoword2 with those of your choice. For other pages, the plugin will pick your categories.

  18. Am i correct in assuming the plugin doesnt work with pages, only posts?

    Are there any plugins that generate keywwords for pages?

  19. This plugin is not working for me. I uploaded it, activated it and when I look at my source, there is nothing whatsoever about meta keyword tags. ???

  20. I have installed the plug-in but I when I tried to view the code, all single pages have the same keywords.

  21. not working!
    i tried to modify your code, but “get_the_tags” not worked.
    your code only gets the category and so do i.
    i am using your plug only for description meta
    thanks anyway

  22. Hell All,
    I have installed this plugin but i want to specify mu custom keyword for different posts so pls tell me where can I specify it.


  23. I installed your plugin as instructed but have 1 problem. If i enter the keyword code for my home page..

    using the page editor I can see that it works; however, it pushes my text down the page. Not good. Since I only need this code for my home page–do I need to insert the code somewhere else? as in php home template page? or? Thanks for the help in advance.

  24. how i can insert tag for meta keyword in firs page of my site by random form tag in wordpress

  25. meta and key after domain seo nun is the second step. google search engine so as to increase the emphasis needs to be very key and meta. on this issue for too many plug-in wordpress is located and a new one was presented here as well. I thank everyone for labor

  26. I think, this plugin is worst. When i saw the source, it just lists the related category and no more details !!!

  27. Hello!

    I would like a code, which lists the meta_key-s as link to meta_value-s.

    To understand: values would be some files, keys would be theirs’ different names.

    Thank you very much for your help!

    From Hungary

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