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Looking for Free Image Hosting?

  • Tips

Still, wondering where to host your profile image/avatar in your favorite forum? First, you have to get a free webspace, then upload the image, check if they allow hotlinking of images, then wonder if all goes well your image may show till your bandwidth restriction pulls your main website down because of your popular image.

Free Image Hosting

Now I will tell you why I like ImageShack

  • It is a free image hosting solution
  • Just upload an image, then it gives you several codes depending on where you want to post it like website, forums or direct link.
  • No registration needed. Although there are benefits of registration, read along.
  • This is the fastest way to host an image on the web hassle-free.
  • It allows you to share pictures with friends, as well as post images on message boards and blogs.
  • Transloader allows you to upload images to ImageShack from other websites quickly and easily. This means that if you find an image on a website that you would like to host on ImageShack, you don’t have to download it to your computer and then upload it, you can simply upload directly from the website that hosts that image.
  • Allows Direct linking i.e. embedding an image into a message board, personal webpage, or eBay auction.
  • Your images will be available forever.
  • You may upload as many images as you like, as long as each of them is less than 1024kb in size.
  • Upload a wide variety of images like .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, .bmp, .tif, .swf, and .png image types. Your bmp, tif, and tiff images will be converted to .png automatically.
  • Register to keep track of your images. If you need another URL for your image, simply upload it again. It is not possible to recover an image that has been uploaded before registration.
  • In order to maximize security, any image that you upload will have a 3-alphanumeric code added to the end of the filename. If the filename exists on ImageShack’s servers, it is renamed by added an ever-increasing number to the end of the filename. This is done to prevent other people from accidentally or intentionally replacing your images.
  • If the filename has over 30 characters, it is shortened to 30 characters in order to ensure compatibility.
  • Only standard English lowercase letters and numbers are allowable image characters. If your image contains non-standard characters, they will be omitted upon upload.
  • There are absolutely no space or bandwidth limitations.
  • Key Terms of Service -No hotlinked clickable thumbnails, but may hotlink full images on ANY message board or forum, as well as personal websites and auctions