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The Perks of Google AdSense Premium Publisher Accounts

There is a separate class of Adsense Premium publishers who earn much more money than common Adsense accounts. As per reports, if your site receives more than 5 million search queries or 20 million content page views a month, you may qualify for AdSense premium service.

Let’s see when this was made public in 2005, has there been any policy change now in 2020.

Google AdSense Premium Publishers!

lots of money

When it started the qualified publishers are eligible for AdSense premium service, which provides the following benefits:

1. Dedicated Google Adsense account manager

The dedicated Adsense manager will take care of all your account details and help you with with better ad placement tips and provide additional monetization options to make more money for you.

This might still be a relevant perk for big Adsense accounts. Even we got Adsense tips from an Adsense Optimization expert once.

2. Customized revenue terms

This means more commission than that paid to standard publisher accounts. Typically Adsense keeps a cut for ad revenue from your website. This commission cut may be lower for them if you bring in huge traffic with your website.

Bigger websites often rely on other revenue schemes and CPM ads instead of CPC like Adsense. They might be using other ad programs which earn higher revenue, and a higher commission percentage may make them switch or stay with Adsense.

3. Flexible ad formats

You might not need to be stuck with typical rectangle and banner ads. You can choose the ad size you like to fit in your site design. This was a huge advantage vs the average Adsense guy who had limited ad size choices.

Now Adsense allows all publishers to choose any size format. With responsive mobile-first site design becoming the norm, a dynamic AdSense unit is the way to go. So this feature has become less of a benefit. Get Adsense auto ads and they will fill ads wherever the CTR is higher and can generate more clicks.

4. Advanced ad filtering

Choose keywords for which you want to target your ads. Well targeted ads relevant to adjoining content will get more clicks. See more about Adsense keywords code. This is still not possible in most AdSense accounts due to interest-based advertising, where they show ads based on what the user is browsing previously and targetted by cookies.

So if your site is lucky enough to have 5 million search queries or 20 million content page views a month – Check out AdSense premium service. It helps bigger sites make more money. Anyway, if you have that kind of huge traffic, they would have already enrolled you in the program.

Update: Now Google has removed these requirements publicly and the terms and eligibility criteria may not be same anymore. However, I found this in Google forums, that it may not be only about traffic and they may be seeing more about the high quality of the site. Moreover, you cannot request it, they will reach out to you if oyur site is big and good enough.