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GoogleWhack: Search One Result on Google

Googlewhack  is Search for the One. Googlewhacking is about having fun with words and search. Google is undoubtedly the largest search engine on the web. Search for any term usually returns hundreds of search results. Finding a unique combination of 2 words for which Google returns just one Search result is a popular time spending activity for many internet users.

The rules are –

  • Visit Google.
  • Submit a query of two words, but don’t use quote marks. (Quotes tell Google to find the enclosed words immediately adjacent – and that’s just too easy!)
  • Use no punctuation in your words, and no numbers (just 26 letters from A through Z).
  • Find two words that return one result
  • See whether Whack agrees (Whack may not see what you see).

If you do manage to find the ‘One’, then dont forget to Record Your Whack! which will then be added to the The Whack Stack (stacks to date: over 482,000. The most recent 2,000 are available to view)

Have you Googlewhacked today? Did you find the One!