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How to Add Firefox Download Counters on Your Site

  • Tips

Firefox Fans developed counters and feeds to track Firefox downloads in real time. Many of these tools are created by efforts of the hard working Firefox teams, supporters and fans. Add a firefox download counter to your site and let the world know.

Firefox Download Counters

  • It all started when Firefox released its download count as an RSS feed. Go and figure out its applications.
  • Get the Tickerfox firefox extension – it tracks the latest Firefox download count while it the counter ticks away in your browsers status bar
  • The Infocraft firefox counter project provides another popular counter, which makes use of the XMLHttpRequest object to pull data from the feed in the background. They also give detailed instructions on how to use this script on your website or adjust it to your needs. Requires PHP knowledge.
  • A quick script to get the total Firefox downloads from it rss feed. More code about creating a php page and using with iframes.
  • Animated Firefox Download Counter is a user script for the Greasemonkey Firefox extension and adds an animated counter (all animated with javascript) of the total number of Firefox downloads to the upper right corner of html pages. You can toggle fading by clicking on it, click and drag to move it around, double click (on the firefox picture) to close it.
  • Javascript is another way of inserting counters. Firefox Tutor has a javascript based css styled counter. If you need more customization with the code, more cut and paste scripts here.
  • Using this ASP script, you can retrieve the current SFX Download Count and show directly on your ASP web page. the script now will run locally on your ASP server. It will result in faster retrieving of the SFX current download count.
  • This WordPress plugin will allow the user to use php code to allow them to display a the current number of Firefox downloads. They can format and utilize this number anywhere in their templates.

Now after all that jargon, here are some simple cut and paste ways of putting such images on your site with a simple img tag or iframe, of course they will not show live running counts like those using PHP, but should keep updated and suffice for many users.

Probably the best is Live Firefox Badge which is a standard 80-by-15 pixel badge with the instantly-live count that uses an inline frame. You can also try this code and if you want something bigger try this code (uses iframes)

I keep this post updated with latest developments in development of this syndicated firefox download counter. Let me know in comments if you have a download counter which can be added here.