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Blogger Mobile Launched: Moblogging from your Mobile Phone

What’s new with Blogger – Blogger Mobile opens a new concept of Moblogging i.e. blogging by your mobile phone. When you send text or photos from your mobile device to they’re automatically posted to your new blog page. Read

Users send a message which can be a photo, some text, or both to and Blogger takes care of the rest. They auto-provision a new blog and publish the post. Blogger Mobile will automatically create a blog for you the first time you use it, so you can get started blogging even if you aren’t near a computer. Users may then keep sending posts. They can also “claim their blog” which will give them full access to settings and features. If you are publishing your blog via FTP to your own server, you can still merge your mobile blog into it. Photos are currently limited to 250K in size each.

Mobile providers’ standard rates for sending and receiving text and photo messages apply. Blogger is not charging users for any of it’s services. The initial launch of Blogger Mobile will work with your phone if you are a US customer of Verizon, AT&T, Cingular, Sprint, or T-Mobile.

Get Moblogging on Blogger!