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Das Keyboard for UberGeeks: Blank Keys for Faster Typing

Will Blank keys on the Das Keyboard make you type faster? Daniel Guermeur, founder of Metadot Corporation, an open source software company, has invented Das Keyboard. “Das Keyboard” is the German word for “the keyboard”.

Das Keyboard is an enhanced 104-key USB PC keyboard equiped with 100% blank keys mounted on precision and individually weighted key switches. Works with Windows, Linux and MacOS.

das keyboard

Why blank keys?
Since there is no key to look at when typing, your brain will quickly adapt and memorize the key positions and you will find yourself typing a lot faster with more accuracy in no time.

Who uses the Das Keyboard?
A keyboard with no inscriptions on the keys was obviously only for a certain type of geek, not just normal ones, only those who are above the pack: the Ubergeeks.