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Microsoft Offers Genuine Windows XP Free: File Piracy Report

Microsoft is willing to replace your purchased counterfeit versions of Windows XP with complimentary genuine Windows copies, if customers are willing to file a piracy report on the vendor.

Beta News reports  that Microsoft will now compensate customers in the United States with complimentary genuine Windows copies who unknowingly purchased counterfeit versions of Windows XP . However customers must first file a  confidential piracy report, with a proof of purchase and report the unscrupulous reseller. Microsoft is also offering a $149 replacement Windows key as an alternative

This is part of an on going effort of Microsoft to curb software piracy. Genuine Microsoft software is software that is licensed by Microsoft, certified as authentic by Microsoft, and published and supported by Microsoft. This page explains the importance of validating your Windows installation, and the benefits of using only genuine Microsoft software. Did you know about the Windows XP Genuine Advantage Offers, Promotions and Discounts.

NOTE: For those posting comments on this article – This article quotes a news report from Beta News in 2005. This deal is not available from this site. You need to check on the Microsoft website if the deal is still valid.