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Blogshares: Blog Stock Market Trades Shares, Bonds

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BlogShares is a fantasy stock market where weblogs are the companies. Players invest fictional dollars on shares in blogs. Blogs are valued by their incoming links and add value to other blogs by linking to them. Prices can go up or down based on trading and the underlying value of the blog.

The stock market game starts with you getting fictional B$500. Then you can go ahead and trade and buy stocks of other blogs. You even get 1ooo shares in your own blog just for taking the time to claim it! If you publish a blog – Add it to BlogShares.

Its not just stocks. There are Chips – the social currency of BlogShares and are the most valuable asset in the game, because with enough of them you can buy anything, win raffles, and purchase text ads for advertising your blog. If we think blogs are the companies, then ideas are their products and services. These products and services are sold on the Idea Market. Then there are karmas, bonds, artefacts … and the list goes on. I am still figuring things out.

Amused by all the hype, I registered to Blogshares. A quick search revealed my blog was already listed on their stock exchange. Blogs start with total 5000 shares each. 1000 shares are reserved for the owner, waiting for you to claim it by inserting their code into your blog. So I claimed by blog and got hold of my 1000 shares. The other 4000 shares were already bought by someone else.

My current share price was B$503.03 and the chart reveals that my stock price is climbing rapidly from just B$2.73 on 16 May 2005. My blog has a current valuation of B$55,744.20 as per current share price. My P/E ratio or price to earning ratio is 45.12. I will be issuing more shares periodically beyond the 5000 current shares to get more stock into circulation and get it trading.

See if your blog is already listed, if not then add it and claim your blog to get your 1000 shares and become a part of this very addictive stock market game.