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ICE on Mobile Phones : Emergency Contact Information

  • Tips

In the case of an emergency would the police or ambulance service know who to contact? Putting ICE along with a name and telephone number will enable the emergency services to contact your family in the event of a medical emergency.

ICE stands for In Case of Emergency. ICE will allow ambulance crews and police officers to quickly contact a nominated person who can be informed of the incident. Visit the ICE website for more information.

How to set up ICE on your mobile phone?
* Type the acronym ICE followed by a contact name (for example, ICE – mum or ICE – David) into the address book of your mobile phone
* Save their phone number
* Tell your ICE contact that you have nominated them

Bob Brotchie, a clinical team leader for the East Anglian Ambulance NHS Trust, started the plan after struggling to get contact details from shocked or injured patients. The paramedic has launched a national campaign with Vodafone to encourage people to store emergency contact details on their mobile phones. Read more.

We all carry mobile phones and ICE information may come in useful one day.