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Chitika eMiniMalls : Sample Keywords & Customized Backgrounds

If you are making money fast with Chitka, they now offer more features to help you get a higher CTR for Chitika ads.

Firstly, the background color can now be changed. You can do this using a code line in addition –

ch_color_bg = “#CCCCCC”;

This allows you to better blend chitika ads with your site content, leading to more clicks with Chitka and you make money easily. However, the images still have a white background. So I guess merging with light backgrounds will be easier.

Secondly, if your keywords are returning no targetted product ads, they now provide a list of Sample Keywords in different product categories. As you know Chitika’s eMiniMalls is powered by comprehensive online merchandising catalogs with best deals and promotions from hundreds of merchants for thousands of products ranging from atheletic shoes to electronic gadgets.

I find the the code which helps to rotate these keywords helps reduce ad blindness by rotating ads. And the code for rotating ads is

ch_non_contextual = 1;
var ch_queries = new Array(“chocolate cake”, “digital cameras”);
var ch_selected=Math.floor((Math.random()*ch_queries.length));
ch_query = ch_queries[ch_selected];

Just a reminder that Google Adsense works with Chitka too. Chitika is a good option to monetize you site to make extra money by advertising. Try Chitika