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Yahoo Publisher Network: Run of Network Ads (RON Ads)

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What are RON ads? If Google Adsense cannot find a suitable ad for your web page or its keywords, it displays Public Service Ads or PSA’s, which make no money for you. Yahoo Publisher Network or YPN has introduced a simlar Run of Network ads (aka RON ads) instead of PSA’s

Jensense says YPN introduced Run of Network ads (aka RON ads) at the same time  they introduced their ad targeting. While several have noted that Comcast and Vontage are the most visible RON ads, btu just by seeing the ads, it is difficult to determine if they are RON ads or usual poorly targeted ads.

Its good that YPN introduced these RON ads lack of alternate URL for PSAs (as with  AdSense) was a common problems reported by initial beta testers. This was a bigger problem when ad targeting took much longer.

They say advertisers are currently invited to become a RON advertisers and this opens the possibility that in the future, advertisers could site target ads to appear as RON advertisements on specific publisher sites.