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Google Doodles Logos by Dennis Hwang

Google Doodles are the beautiful logos on and Doodle designer Dennis Hwang is the man behind these amazing Google logos. I am sure you have wondered who creates beautiful logos which you see daily on the Google homepage commemorating holidays and events.

Meet Dennis Hwang – the official logo designer for Google who creates those Google Doodles – a variety of logos commemorating holidays and events. An excerpt from a post on Google Blog entitled Oodles of Doodles reveals –

“Holding up my mockups and then holding my breath while Larry and Sergey do their “thumbs-up, thumbs-down” emperor thing is never boring, and I love the fact that my little niche within this company turned out to be something so cool and creative and, well, Google-y.”

If you would like to include a link to Google on your site, use these official logo stickers. If you would like to use the Google logo for some other purpose, see Google Permissions page. There are also several fan-created logos possibly created as part of a Google Doodle designing contest. You can view Google logos created in previous years also.

ZDNet UK reports that a London schoolgirl won a competition to create a doodle for Google’s UK Web site. The ‘Doodle for Google’ school challenge was open to 4,000 pupils at 25 London schools. It was judged by Dennis Hwang. Google held the competition to mark the launch of a new London office.