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Pay Income Tax on Google Adsense Revenue

If you earn a good income from your Google Adsense ads, then paying taxes is essential and tax planning is required.

Google AdSense Tax Information page provides detailed information about how tax-related information is processed from all AdSense publishers. You are solely responsible for providing and maintaining accurate tax information associated with your account. Google collects tax-related information from all AdSense publishers. They say your tax information is being collected in compliance with U.S. tax laws, and will be securely stored, encrypted, and used for tax purposes only.

It is the responsibility of each publisher to understand and adhere to the appropriate tax rules. Until they receive your tax information, Google might hold all your payments.

For tax purposes, requirements vary depending on if you are a U.S. Business, Non U.S. Business (No U.S. Activities) or Non U.S. Business with U.S. Activities. Your tax information can be submitted from your publisher account at the ‘Tax information’ page. For more information regarding U.S. tax requirements, visit the IRS website.

Adsense Taxes is a free resource providing more information on paying Income Tax on Google Adsense Revenue. You should always consult your tax advisor to help about how tax laws and regulations apply to you and/or your business. Tax or investment advice is essential to make profits and keep them.
