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AlexaDex : Alexa Powered Web Stock Market

  • Tips

If you like online stock trading, buying and selling shares and tracking the stock market to make profits and earn extra money, then what is the market value of your website!

AlexaDex is an online stock trading market, where the share prices of websites are tracked by their Alexa rankings. If your site is listed at, then put your website name in the “Get Quote” form and check out the share value of your site. Buy Quick Online Tips which has a share value of $90 right now. A site’s share price is set at the either yesterday’s daily reach per million or the seven day moving average, which ever is higher, as reported by Alexa site info.

They are now in season 4. At the end of each season, they reset everyone’s portfolios and cash so that everyone starts with $10,000 once again. This way everybody gets a chance to reach the hall of fame. The next season will begin May 1st, 2006 at midnight. Read the FAQ to see how it works.

If you are a power trader, you can also keep track of your stocks by using these cool alexadex extensions. See if your website is listed. If your site is not listed, it is because does not have any information for your web site. So create a Alexadex account and get started – just requires a login name and password!