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Bootcamp Installs Windows XP on Apple Mac Computers

  • Apple

Apple will include technology in the next major release of Mac OS X, Leopard, that lets you install and run the Windows XP operating system on your Mac. Till then let Bootcamp do the job for you…

Boot Camp Beta enables you to install Windows XP on an Intel-based Macintosh computer. Ensure your Intel-based Mac has the latest version of Mac OS X Tiger and the latest firmware update.

The Windows XP operating system and files are stored in a separate partition on the startup disk, so your Macintosh files or operating system are not affected. Boot Camp Assistant simplifies Windows installation by helping you create the Windows partition and burning a CD with software drivers than enable Windows XP to work with your Macintosh hardware. Then, Boot Camp Assistant restarts your Macintosh using your Windows XP installation disc so you can install Windows. You can decide at startup to choose between Mac OS X and Windows. Download Bootcamp – 83MB.

See the Installation & Setup Guide for more details. Once you run Windows on a Mac, it is subject to all Windows vulnerabilities and you need to keep it updated with the latest Microsoft Windows security fixes.

Windows runs on most PC computers worldwide. By allowing this functionality, I am sure more computer users who are used to working on Windows (like me) will convert to Windows installed Apple Macs.