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C.R.A.P. Principles of Professional Web Design

  • Tips

Professional Web Site Designing is an art and the CRAP principles are essentials for good website design that is necessary for better navigation, more page views, which brings in more site traffic

I found these four golden rules of site designing which the author calls as C.R.A.P. principles where C.R.A.P. stands for Contrast Repetition Alignment Proximity.

1. Contrast – it is essential to make all the an similar elements stand out against each other with suitable contrast, which will highlight each element separately and your exposure

2. Repetition – blogs normally have repetitive elements like articles, which are guided by similar design principles which is essential for maintaining consistency of web design for similar repeating elements.

3. Alignment – all connected elements per page need to support and link in a way to each other by  effective alignment so that gives a cohesive feel to the web design

4. Proximity – it is very essential to group all elements that are similar to each other, or are related to each other in some respect in close proximity to each other for effective web design.

Well I agree with what he says. I am also learning web designing by reading such good articles which help me to make this site better for you.