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FeedBurner Email : RSS Feeds in Your Inbox

There are many popular email subscription services which let you recieve atom / rss feeds from blogs in your email inbox. The most popular of these was Feedblitz for quite some time, even I use it.

Then came other innovative feed to email subscription services like Zookoda and Squeet. And then the big professional feed manager Feedburner enters the race. Introducing the FeedBurner Email, they say –

“FeedBurner Email is strictly a publisher service. There is no subscriber landing page at FeedBurner, no dashboard for subscribers to login to and manage their emails, and so on. Just easy-to-read, plain text or HTML email containing the latest posts. The messages that go out are largely “brandless,” by which we mean that a) the emails are delivered as “from” the publisher, not FeedBurner and b) there is no FeedBurner header and only a very light “delivered by” footer. Publishers have access to the email addresses that subscribe to their feed, and they can export these addresses and move from FeedBurner to another service at any time.”

Sounds good. At present the interface is under development as are the subscription options. But once they refine the service, set up the options, enable easy import of existing subscribers, it will definitely give serious competition in this space…