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CSS Reboot Day Today

  • Tips

Its CSS Reboot Day Today. Today webmasters from all over the world will launch their web standards-based redesigns simultaneously, bringing traffic, interest and respect to their sites.

I have posted about the CSS Reboot Day earlier. And today the day has arrived. CSS Reboot is a community event for web professionals to be held on May 1st, 2006.  A quick visit to the CSS Reboot website reveals – “You’re early! In 31 minutes 1,000+ reboots will launch. Check back soon.” The website will update on 18:00 GMT. Their webhosting seems to be in trouble anticipating huge traffic on this day – the 1st May.

Thousands of rebooters are redesigning their site as per CSS and web standards to display it to the world. If you were participating, you need to upload you post reboot thumbnail photo now. Only sites with after screenshots will show up as rebooted, so it’s really important you do this for each reboot in your account. The screenshot needs to be 200px wide by 140px high.

Of course the 50 Rebooter Premium customers (paid service) will have an advantage as every first time visitor to the CSS Reboot will see their rebooted websites first. Though this is the third CSS reboot day, I am participating this time (though I did only a few template changes) and it would be interesting to lookout for this event. Are you participating?