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Imagery : Powerful Alternative Google Image Search Interface

If you love searching images online, Google Image Search is the best place to start. But many times you needed more customization from the interface they provided. Can Google Image Search be improved? Imagery is the answer…

Imagery is an alternate easily navigable, well customized and a powerful interface for Google Images. Download Squad summarizes it is a nice way as

“Created last year by Eliazar Cardenas, Imagery is a slick front-end for Google Images that adds a pile of features. Search results are displayed as thumbnails, not unlike the standard Google Images interface, but when you roll over an image a few of options pop up, including Open Source Page and Open in New Window, and an X button the hide that thumbnail entirely. When you left-click on a thumbnail a full-sized version is added to a sort of collection area below where you have more viewing options. Imagery’s nicest feature, though, is its tabbed interface. If you’ve already got one set of search results open and search for a new set of keywords, the new search will be opened in an embedded tab.”

You can customize to it see as many images as you want on a single page (Select 100 results per page, and 100 more images at Next page and keep on doing it till infinity), and, easily navigate to the images, or their webpage directly with one click. Imagery is definitely the first place I will head to when searching out Google Images…

Did I forget – Imagery will only work in Mozilla Firefox 1.5+ web browser.