If you are amazed by those amazing AJAX applications that allows for a fast interactive online experience, you can learn Ajax via this free online course.
Sang Shin, at Sun Microsystems is offering this free 10-Week Free AJAX Programming Online Course from August 4th, 2006. Some pre-requisites for taking this course are a 1 month Java programming experience, 1 month web application programming experience, 1 month of HTML experience and some JavaScript experience. Before you start this, I suggest you read What it means to take this class “online”.
Online attendees of this course are expected to do the course work, read the pre-class reading material and presentation slides (with speaker notes), do the homework and final project, participate in class email alias for asking and answering questions. When you finish the course after submitting all homeworks, you will get a electronic version of a Sang Shin’s personal certificate.
Sang Shin teaches these courses in Brandeis University and Boston University as their regular Graduate degree programs where you are expected to register and pay the tuition fee to take these courses face to face. So this is good opportunity to learn ajax free at your convinience online.