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How to Redirect WordPress Feed Traffic to FeedBurner?

Many bloggers use Feedburner for the professional feed management tools it provides (like my feed). Another major reason is to show off the number of daily feed readers you have using the feedburner chicklet counter. (Just look at the feed chicklet counts of Boing Boing or Techcrunch!)

So you started with WordPress and offered readers the default wordpress feed. Now you switched to Feedburner, so how do you redirect your original wordpress feed readers to the Feedburner feed? And actually track how many feed readers you have…

OrderedList has an excellent Feedburner plugin to simply forward all your feed traffic to FeedBurner. The plugin will detect all ways to access your feed and redirect them to your FeedBurner feed so you can track every possible subscriber. It works for your main comments feed as well.

When I had started with WordPress, I had told you earlier about the WordPress FeedBurner Plugin that will help you track all feed readers. That time there were separate plugins for WordPress 1.5 and WordPress 2. I hesitated from using it because it needed to rewrite the .htaccess file and required other tweaks.

Now they have launched a new version of the FeedBurner Plugin v2.1 that is a single plugin for all versions, requires no .htaccess rewrite and the installation is as simple as possible. After activating the plugin, in the WordPress options, just fill in the feedburner feed you want your default wordpress feed or comments feed to redirect, and you are done.

Install this plugin and see your feedburner counter show more feed readers…