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Monetize Feedblitz Landing Page with Google Adsense

Feedblitz is a popular RSS to email subscription service. They have introduced a new feature for free accounts that allows you to add Google Adsense ads to the Feedblitz sign up landing page and earn money from the clicks that occur.

You need to add your Google Adsense Publisher ID in the Feedblitz settings (in Syndication Setup Advertising and Visitor Analysis menu), and your Google Adsense ads will go live on top of your landing page as a leaderboard banner with default colours. There is no revenue sharing and you earn the entire money which you will generate on clicks.

Limited page content may cause poorly targeted ads initially, so they advise  that they are using the post tags to target Adsense ads. To subscribe my blog email updates, here is my Feedblitz landing page (without ads), and if you opt for ads, your sign up page will look like this.

Competition is now much more among free email subscription services, especially with entry of Feedburner RSS to Email. I know many publishers use Feedblitz to provide email subscription service. This will benefit those who very actively promote their email subscription to earn a few more dollars…
