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Official Google Blog Hacked : Unauthorized Fake Article Posted

The word is out that the official Google Blog was hacked and someone gained unauthorized access to their blogspot blog and made a fake post that Google has decided to discontinue with Google Click-to-call project.

Google Blog has confirmed that a Blogger bug allowed an unauthorized hacker to make a fake post on the Google Blog, but the bug was quickly identified and fixed.

It is ironical that the immediate previous post was about Google Security Stance “to keep the bad guys out of our systems”. Inside Google has a screenshot of the fake post that has now been deleted by Google.

If someone can gain access to the official google blog, you should be aware that your blogger blog too may be vulnerable. This news makes headlines because it is the official google blog with thousands of active readers watching and blogging about each word they type. There are always many yet undetected vulnerabilities which people are waiting to find and exploit.

Always upgrade your blogging platform to the latest version as it not only adds new features, but also fixes several bugs and has security fixes to protect your blog. Blogger users are fortunate that Google takes care of security upgrades in the background with no user intervention. This is why I also recently upgraded to WordPress 2.0.4.

Did you know that earlier this same Google Blog got deleted by mistake! Another good reason to back up your blogger blog.